
Redirection of 3.5% of Income Tax

What is the 3.5% form?

The form is a method by which any employee can redirect 3.5% of their annual tax to a non-governmental organization (NGO).

Important! The donation form can be completed only between January 1 and May 25 every year.

What are the steps?

  • Fill out this form by May 20;
  • Send it to us at: Splaiul Independentei 313, Rectorat POLITEHNICA, Sala AN 101, sector 6, 060042, București;
  • We will send the form, on your behalf, to the Public Finance Administration (ANAF).
  • Other method:
    • If you want to send it, these are the data of the Best Bucharest Association:
      • Fiscal identification code of the non-profit entity / cult unit: 10422916
      • Name of non-profit entity / cult unit: Asociația BEST București
      • Bank account (IBAN): RO23BACX0000003001471000 RON

Why choose BEST Bucharest?

Because you’ll be investing in the future – we aim to develop the students of technology by challenging them to expand their knowledge and use their creativity through our events.

For more information, please contact us at : [email protected]

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